#OpSyria : Des sites gouvernementaux syriens piratés par Teamr00t


Le gouvernement syrien est responsable de la coupure réseau qui a touchée la quasi-totalité des services Internet dans le pays. Toutefois, des hactivistes sont passé à l’action et ont massivement attaqué les sites officiels du pays hébergés à l’étranger.

Les pirates du groupe Teamr00t ont attaqué et mis hors ligne les sites du gouvernement syrien et ont montré leur soutien au peuple de la Syrie et se déclarant contre le président Bashaar Al-Assad et la coupure d’Internet. Les sites Web touchés sont :

  1. http://www.experts-sy.org/
  2. http://www.syriaspin.org/user/?page=home
  3. http://www.qasyoun.edu.sy/

Quoi qu’il en soit, le service Internet en Syrie a repris samedi après une interruption de deux jours.

Les pirates ont diffusé un message à l’intention du gouvernement syrien :

President Bashaar Al-Assad You have taken a step too far in shutting down the internet so the outside world cannot see the horrific crimes you are committing upon your own people and this will not be tolerated by the world watching!

The Syrian people have the right to freedom of speech, the right to live a normal happy life and the right to have access to the internet to connect with the rest of the world. By shutting down the internet you have denied your people their rights, and this will no longer be tolerated.

We have seen too many massacres, too much corruption, too much brutality inflicted upon the Syrian people and enough is enough! By shutting down the internet you have taken a step too far and you will not escape justice nor will you escape Teamr00t!

To the people of Syria we would like to assure you that we will do everything in our power to help you. You will not be the forgotten minority nor will we sit back and allow the world to forget you the Syrian people who so desperately need our help. Stay strong for you are not alone. We will do whatever it takes to help you gain back your freedom.

“Teamr00t Has Arrived!!! We are the voice for the suppressed people of the world, and we will show you the truth!”